Saturday, December 31, 2011

"dear 2012, please bring me happiness"

"dear 2012, please bring me happiness"
diary 2012:
  • saya nak jadi lebih baik daripada tahun-tahun sebelum ni,insyaallah.  
  • saya nak stdy betul-betul nk capai target hidup saya. "beauty and smart".!not in face but in heart.
  • awak saya nk jadi yang terbaik dalam hidup awak,boleh tak.?sayang awak muhammad amirulzaman my hearbeat.!
  • saya nak bahagia sebab bila bahagia ada segalanya,trust me.
  • kita sama-sama dah masuk alanm 20an kan,so sama-sama jaga diri,hati masing-masing demi hubungan kita yang kekal abadi,insyaallah sampai syurga. Hanya mati akan memisahkan kita, jangan lupa jemput saya kat pintu syurga nanti tau, saya akan jadi bidadari awak, isteri kepada awak di syurga nanti,amin.

maafkan anis abang.?

abang knape abang garang sangat semalam.?
takut sangat kalau abang marah-marah macam tu,anis tak nak dengar abang cakap kuat-kuat dengan anis.
ye,anis mengaku anis salah sebab tak bagitau abang awal-awal pasal tu,tapi anis buat semua ni untuk kebaikan kita. Abang kalau anis ada buat abang terasa,sakitkan hati abang anis minta maaf sangat-sangat ye. Sementara anis masih hidup dan bernyawa ni anis cuma nak bahagiakan abang je,mungkin cara anis salah,abang kan ketua keluarga nanti boleh tak abang tolong betulkan apa yang dah anis buat, tegurlah anis kalau perlu abang nasihat anis demi kebaikan kita, satu je anis minta dengan abang anis tak nak abang cakap kasar dengan anis lagi, hati anis sakit abang, sumpah sakit sangat........maafkan anis,salam sayang.

Friday, September 30, 2011

assalamualaikum cinta...

assalamualaikum cinta...
today 011011 at 13:37.
i love you so much sayang,xsabar nk jumpa abg tau..everyday i'm thinking about you my dear,dh hari ni mama dh start kira hari nk jumpa sayang,bestnye..!smpai lupa xlme je ag kita nk raya haji sama2 lagi kt kb,,yea..!yeaa..!yeaaa...!!!abg mama harap sgt satu hari nti mama btol2 jd milik abg smpai bile2.mama nk sgt jd ketua bidadari abg kt syurga nti,boleh x..?boleh x sayang..?msti seronok kt sane nti,Ya Allah bahagianye mama..!abg boleh x jnji ngn mama setia dgn cinta kita ni..?sbb mama nk mama sorang je memiliki abg..mama harap abg dapat tunaikan permintaan mama nie ye sayang,cinta mama pd abg xkn berbelah bg,trust me sweetheart,i always love you..forever n ever :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

kekasih hatiku

salam cyg...ari nie abg ase hepi sgt2....wlaupown klah main ftsal,tp abg ttp hepi coz syg sntiasa dsisi abg..abg ase untng sgt2 adew cyg....ehmm,prut daa kyang,aty pown abg makan nsi krabu+kebab+nuget+air jagung....hehehehehee...byakkn abg jgn esau,bdan abg mntain jea....:P
endu syg sgt2/.....muahmuahmuahmuah

Sunday, August 7, 2011


SAYANG...i love you more than everything, i always love you all of time, i don't want anything, i want you..just you, because you're my one and only..please hold my hand forever my heart, i love you so much..!
dear, hari ni rasa letih sikit,dh seminggu kan kita puasa..bestnya,xlama lagi abg dh nk balik..yeaa..!!raya sama2 lagi~syoknya raya~..abg tahu x hari ni hny terpaksa kemas bilik sbb nyamuk byk sgt gigit kaki, tangan, mmg salah hny lupa tutup tingkap awal2..padan muka..pagi esk kne bagun awal lagi sahur,ngantuknye kan xpew dapat pahala sahur,terima kasih sgt2 sbb abg kejutkan hny pagi td..rasa brsyukur sgt2 sbb abg xlupa hny...rindu sgt2 kat abg bila la nk balik dia, rindu sgt kira hari..esk dh hari ke-8 kita puasa,setakat ni penuh lagi la kita ye..insyaallah puasa penuh tahun ni, hny harap setiap hari setiap masa abg xkn lupa hny...ok,nk tidow dh pukul12 tepat..salam cinta:)

Friday, June 24, 2011

love is you..

to love and be loved

  • A life without love is no life at all.
  • I'll love you 'til the day after forever.
  • A heart that has truly loved never forgets.
  • A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
  • Believe in "happily ever after" and it will come true.
  • Lucky is the man who first love by a woman and lucky is a woman who last loved by a man.
  •  Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
  • As we grow together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change: I will always keep falling in love with you.
  • If it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet. And if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls. Then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one.;)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

cheritera chenta

i miss u..!

sayang...!rindunya,bila nak balik..?lambat lagi ke,always waiting for you:)..saya xpandai pn pasal blog2 ni bru je nk blajar sbb awak la sayang,dh lama create blog ni,arini la bru rasmi bagi awak tgok,nti lah kita wat blog ni more advance ye,malu nk tunjuk tp dah lame sgt kn,kcian lak saya kt cinta saya ni,hihi..saya create blog ni penuh dengan kasih sayang tau,kesabaran tu penting,(over)haha, tolong la saya ubah background ni ye..rindu sgt2 kat awak serious,sayang..jangan lupa saya tau..!promise;)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Friday night beneath the stars 
In a field behid your yard 
You and I are painting pictures in the sky 

But sometimes we don't say a thing 
Just listen to the crickets sing 
Everything I need 

And I know everything about you 
I don't wanna live without you 

And I'm only up when you're not down 
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground 
It's like no matter what I do 
Well it drives me crazy half the time 
The other half I'm only trying to let you know 
That what I feel is true 
And I'm only me when I'm with you 

Just a small town boy and girl 
Living in a crazy world 
Trying to figure out what is and isn't true 

And I don't try to hide my tears 
My secrets or my deepest fears 
Through it all nobody gets me like you do 

And you know everything thing about me 
You say that you can't live without me 

And I'm only up when you're not down 
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground 
It's like no matter what I do 
Well it drives me crazy half the time 
The other half I'm only trying to let you know 
That what I feel is true 
And I'm only me when I'm with you 

When I'm with anybody else 
It's so hard to be myself 
And only you cant tell 

And I'm only up when you're not down 
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground 
It's like no matter what I do 
Well it drives me crazy half the time 
The other half I'm only trying to let you know 
That what I feel is true 
And I'm only me when I'm with you